Jaffa Muffins
Orange and Choc Muffins INGREDIENTS 1/2 cup Buttermilk - we use lactose free yogurt, and it gives the same result 2 1/4 cups Plain Flour...
Cooking with Pre-Schoolers - Shepherd’s Pie
For me there is nothing better than creating an experience, that develops social and emotional skills as well as the everyday skill of...
Banana and Almond Boost Smoothie
Ingredients: 2 ripe bananas 500 ml skimmed milk (you could use alternative milk) 40g ground almonds Optional – a drop of honey, a pinch...
Reading Activities for Children You Don't Want to Miss Out on These Great Books for Reading With
Reading for kids can be a fun and entertaining activity, for both the adult and the child. Reading allows the child to experience and...
Making Bears to reinforce for language
l conduct weekly Read and Speech and Language classes and l have used the bear face cut outs as a craft for preschool aged students to...
Best Way to Teach Kids to Read
Best Way to Teach Kids to Read By: ChildrenLearningReading.com What's the best way to teach children to read? According to the National...
My 6 Quick steps for Speech therapy at home:
My 6 quick tips on Speech Therapy, ideas to do at home: Important Note: Before you start with my 6 quick tips speech therapy ideas to do...
How to Save $1378 in one Year doing our 52 week money challenge
l have a dream to teach my children to be wonderful Savers and thrifty spenders. So with that in mind l am sure some of you may have...
Nuturing Happy & Safe Little Peeps!
Stacey - Kids Who Know - Qld/NSW helps to nurture and empower our Happy Little peeps in two ways: Kids Who Know workshops along with our...
Coordikids - Unique childhood development Programs
As a parent of children that have additional needs, l came across this wonderful program to help them and thought what better way to help...