Top tips to stop teeth grinding
Teething grinding is also known as BRUXISM, this is quite common in children who have Autism and ADHD. One in 5 children up to the age of 11 are reported to have sleep bruxism, although the real figure is probably most likely to be a lot higher as parents often are unaware.
Children who have brux usually start around the age of 4-8 years of age, the numbers do increase between 10-14 years of age and then start to show a declining after age 14.
There are many factors associated with children who brux such as anxiety, personality, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), along with leaky gut, (Brain Fog) there are also some medications that, may also help with one concern to then only become the stimulate that can create the grinding. Another reason for teeth grinding may also mean a lack of oxygen to the brain. Then this lack of oxygen is associated with poor sleep, this can then lead to ADHD like symptoms. Another area for concern is if teeth grinding is due to your child being bullied.
So let's talk brain fog for a minute this is where the information that is received in our second Brain - which has the same cells that are present in our actual brain in our skull both release the same chemicals. These chemicals are in fact noted to be primary triggers that activate our EMOTIONS, these triggers are then activated in our gut brain and the brain in the skull. These are emotions for children with ASD are further heightened by any forms of "Stress" in that of these individuals, as they are also high energy sensitivity. This is due to the fact that they have a very low tolerance for stress.
A night guard could be a treatment option; however, while children who are still growing a night guard is not always the best recommendation. Another recommendation is to try relaxation techniques before bedtime to ease anxiety or restlessness. Children who fall asleep watching television or listening to the radio are more prone to bruxing at night. Reading aloud to children right before bedtime and having children sleep alone can decrease sleep bruxism.
Along with following a diet that has plenty of water and is rich with healthy gut flora foods and supplements.
Evidence published research papers indicate that the connection between Gut, Teeth / Gums and the Brain in the skull.
The Solution:
So there are a whole lot of amazing medical terms l could use but, for the purpose of having a basic understanding.
Decrease your child's stress, especially just before bed.
Determine what is causing poor gut health and possible food allergies.
A diet that restores healthy gut flora, and supplements that can also improve a healthy gut.
Try massage and stretching exercises to relax the muscles.
Make sure your child's diet includes plenty of water. ...
Ask your dentist to monitor your child's teeth if he or she is a grinder.
A night guard / a super chew toy (The Super Chew is an oral motor tool designed to provide positive oral stimulation for practicing biting and chewing skills while also providing an outlet for those with sensory integration needs
The source is from several scientific journals, on the "energy system" along with dental journals on teeth grinding
(The information on my blog is authentic to the best of my knowledge, and as such, it is prone to errors and absence of some key information. As an important reminder that content on my blog is generated for entertainment and informative purposes, but not to be perceived as professional advice in regards to health or finances. You should seek medical intervention if this is of concern to your health and wellbeing. This information is being supplied for you to do so at their own risk.)